Solo exhibition Rikkert Paauw 2017


picture Miles Fishler Courtesy Gallery Valerie_traan


16.02.2017 | 01.04.2017

The aesthetics of local garbage

For Dutch designer Rikkert Paauw, the ground materials for building design simply lay in the streets. One of his favorite occupations consists of creating design on location, made out of thrown away materials he finds on the spot.

By transforming the city’s waste into installations within that same city, Rikkert keeps the circle of his circular design very short and builds a story that goes far beyond sustainability or reuse.

Local litter isn’t the only darling of this designer. Modular design is another one. Make that: modularity pushed to the extreme. For a project in Sydney he’d thought up Verbindingstuk, a metal linker to fasten a horizontal beam to a vertical one. That simple object allows people from all over the world to build anything with the (thrown away) woods locally available. Design doesn’t get more modular than this.


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