project archonic magazine 2015
Pop-Up City: City-Making in a Fluid World 2014
The community Lover’s Guide to Utrecht, p 40-49, November 2012
Tracés 10, Bulletin technique de la Suisse romande, May 2012
Postplanjer, Utrechts bulletin voor architectuur en stedenbouw, May 2012
Elle Girl Korea, December 2011
Houtskool, Artzine, December 2010
Postplanjer, Utrechts bulletin voor architectuur en stedenbouw, June 2010
Esterni speaks public, Esterni, Milan 2010
online Youthful designs, November 2012 Pop-up stars: Temporary contemporary architecture, September 2012
Smith Journal Dumpster Designers, June 2012
Heart Home FOUNDation project – turning rubbish into community, June 2012
Treehugger A Re-Adapted “Local”: Garbage Skips Transformed into Storytelling Bar & Café (Video), June 2012
The Pop-Up-City Dutch Designers Turn Dumpsters Into Little Bars, June 2012
Inhabitat Trash Skips Filled With Found Materials Become Fun Meeting Spots in The Netherlands, June 2012
Dezeen architecture and design magazine Straatlokaal, June 2012 Straatjutten in Utrecht, April 2012
Lucy Straatlokaal – nieuwbouw uit restmateriaal, April 2012
Uit de buitenwijk Straatlokaal bouwt portret van Terwijde, April 2012 Foundation: Nu ook in Utrecht, March 2012
WeWasteTime Taverna, January 2012
Cosebelle Magazine Taverna, November 2011
Milou Houtus on Issuu: Stortplaats van Dromen dossier, November 2011 Afvalcontainer als inspiratiebron, May 2011
Los Vacios Urbanos FOUNDation – arquitecturas reencontradas, May 2011
Architecture of Consequence (Netherlands Architecture Institute) Interview Foundation projects, April 2011
Domus web Leftover materials create potential architecture and design, April 2011 5 Minutes with Stortplaats van Dromen, April 2011 Foundation, October 2010
Yatzer Public Design Festival // Second Edition, May 2010
Core77Milan Design Week 2010:Public Design Festival, April 2010